Common Personal Injury Questions – What Is My Case Worth?


Common Personal Injury Questions – What Is My Case Worth?

This is probably the most common question we receive from new clients. It’s important to understand that NO lawyer can tell you this during the first phone call or meeting. Although we can normally assign a realistic value within a few months, the process requires a lot of research and assessment before we can provide you with an estimate.

At the beginning of a personal injury case, there are often more questions than answers, including:

  • Recovery from injuries and additional medical treatment that may be required.
  • Current and future wages lost.
  • Possible long-term adjustments to your lifestyle.

There are several parties who may be involved in your case, including the Litner + Deganian legal team, insurance companies, and potentially a judge and jury. It’s our job (with your help) to convince everyone else that the value we’ve determined is the correct value.

For insurance companies, it’s just business

Normally, one or more insurance companies will be responsible for compensating you for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages such as pain and suffering. The goal of any insurance company is simple – maximize their profits. The insurance company will generally value your case at the bare minimum, or even less. The insurance company’s adjusters and lawyers will look for mitigating circumstances, meaning things they can claim that will lower your case value. Examples include:

  • Previous injuries. Did your back (or other body part) hurt before the incident?
  • Previous claims. Were you involved in a prior accident?
  • Shared liability. Who else could be partially blamed for the incident, including you?
  • Not following prescribed treatment. Have you missed doctor or physical therapy appointments?

You’ve got the facts on your side

After you recover from your injuries and we assess all financial and other impacts, we’ll be able to provide you with an estimated case value. It includes compensation owed to you for all damages that we can prove through the facts associated with the incident, our extensive research, and the law. We build your case valuation based on what we think the judge and jury would do. Once the insurance company representatives see all of the information we’ve gathered, we want them to agree with our valuation before your case goes to court. If not, we’ll be ready to take them to court.

How you can help

We’re representing you, but you’re still a big part of the team. Your actions now and during the case will have a big impact on your ultimate compensation. Here are some of the things you can do to help:

  • Provide as much information as possible. We need to know everything about your injuries, medical providers, medical bills, property damage, lost wages, etc.
  • Give us good news and bad news. If there’s a piece of information you think may hurt your case, like a previous injury, we still need to know. It may not be as bad as you think.
  • Save every piece of paper. You’re going to receive receipts, invoices, and a lot of other documents related to your case. If a document has anything to do with the incident or your injury, hold onto it. If you think you’ve lost something, please let us know so we can get another copy.
  • Follow the doctor’s orders. Go see the doctor or therapist, follow up until you get better, and get back to work. The jury will expect you to do everything you’re asked on the road to recovery.

Contact Litner + Deganian for a free case evaluation

As you now know, there is a lot of work that goes into researching and valuing your case. With your help, we can move things quickly forward and get you the compensation you deserve. Do you have questions about your personal injury case? Call us today for a free consultation.

Additional Reading