Resilience Award

Litner + Deganian Resilience Award

After decades supporting people during some of their most challenging times, our team has seen first-hand how grit, determination and resilience can shape a person’s life for the better.

That’s why we’re excited to help those who have had to overcome adversity achieve their academic goals. The Litner + Deganian Resilience Award—inspired by L+D attorney Paige Wheeler, who made a remarkable recovery after sustaining a traumatic brain injury during her final semester of high school—is a $2,500 scholarship awarded annually to one deserving recipient.

Learn more about Paige Wheeler’s story.

And the scholarship goes to…

We’re honored to present the 2024 Resilience Award to Catherine Rowan, whose essay begins with a vivid portrayal of a 4’6” young woman who rarely sits down at a restaurant without being handed a kids’ menu. “I may be tiny, but I am mighty,” she writes.

Despite facing brain cancer at a young age and countless medical procedures throughout her life— including open heart surgery, kidney removal, foot reconstruction, cleft palate correction, pharynx repair, spinal cord tethering, chemo port insertion, eye correction and bladder, kidney and colon surgeries—Catherine’s resilience shines through.

She credits much of her strength to the support of her family, medical teams and community members; and she’s channeling those experiences toward a career in pediatric nursing and a lifelong commitment to caring for those around her.

Catherine’s story is a poignant reminder of why this scholarship remains so close to our hearts. As we support her on her exciting new journey at Shorter University’s nursing program, we remain committed to mirroring Catherine’s spirit and dedication to helping others live better.