Team Spotlight: Chuly Phanthadara


Team Spotlight: Chuly Phanthadara

Chuly Phanthadara is a Case Manager with Litner + Deganian. She organizes the attorneys’ schedules and makes sure that the law firm’s cases are moving forward by coordinating with the court, doctors’ offices, and insurance companies. She also checks on clients to see how they are recovering and keeps them updated about the status of their case.

Chuly is originally from Atlanta, Georgia – a rare Atlanta native! Her interest in personal injury law developed in 2000 after her father was involved in a bad car collision. Based on his experiences, Chuly says she wanted to make a career out of helping the victims of car accidents: “I strive to provide good customer service, not only to keep our firm’s good reputation, but I also think of it as treating clients how I would want someone to treat my family if they were in an accident. That’s my agenda every day.”

Chuly worked in case management for large litigation firms before joining Litner + Deganian in 2018. At that time, she was ready for a career change and heard through some former colleagues about Litner + Deganian’s positive work environment. She likes that everyone here is respectful, friendly, and laid back. She is always eager to learn something new and appreciates how the attorneys are great about letting the team be hands-on with the cases. At some firms, the employees are treated like a number, but at Litner + Deganian, everyone is family.

Outside of the office, Chuly likes to spend time with her family. She loves to cook; Mexican is her favorite cuisine. She is also interested in anything related to arts and crafts. When she is not cooking or crafting, Chuly enjoys traveling. She’s been to Mexico and the Bahamas. One of her favorite spots, though, is Universal Studios in Florida; you can often find her on the Rock ‘N Roller coaster or the Revenge of the Mummy ride.

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